I remember when I was in first grade, we had lessons about computer. So obviously we had computers during classes. When we were asked to do something, we try to finish it right away so that we could view the GhostPic slideshow.
My, I couldn't sleep the first time I viewed that slideshow. I woke up in the middle of the night, and I just can't move because of fear! I felt someone like the black lady in the slideshow was behind me. Then I became afraid of dark corners, thinking ghosts would pop out. I was so afraid to look at our blank television screen. I was afraid I would see the devil in the picture.
More than a decade later, I laugh at these silly ghosts moments.
But I don't think we should laugh at the fruits of these ghost pictures.
Kids are very curious and want to prove something. Seeing at these ghost pictures, they would love to take their very own.
Then they resort to channeling. Then to Ouija boards and other forms of divination.
How did I know?
When I was in sixth grade, our classmates taught us another form of divination. You'll make 16 cards, number them from 1 to 13. The remaining cards would contain "YES", "NO", or "MAYBE". We'll ask a question answerable by yes or no. I won't give the details because it would be tiring, and kids may do this after reading this entry.
Other kids did Ouija boards, cards, even with coins and ballpens just to "make contact" with these sort of spirits.
It's alarming, isn't it? We must do something to save our kids from such demonic practices. I am afraid they would grow up still doing such practices, and even pass these to their children. I am sure kids still do those channeling things, and what makes it more alarming is that there are lots of New Age resources available now. Some are even cheap and some are just a click away. Some are in form of novels, some are in movies. Some are in newspapers, some are on billboards.
Surely we need to pray a lot and arm ourselves with knowledge. There are also lots of resources that would help us know the why's. Catholic Answers is there.
Surely we need to pray a lot and arm ourselves with knowledge. There are also lots of resources that would help us know the why's. Catholic Answers is there.
If you are from the Philippines, I recommend the book "Exorcism" by Father Jocis Syquia. It's not just about how exorcisms are done, but it gives a lot of solid Catholic teachings, telling us what's wrong with new age.
So, now we pray:
So, now we pray:
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares
of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
I thank God for saving me from "juvenile" New Age practices. Please, Lord, do the same to other kids. Amen.