Friday, March 4, 2011

I'll Fly Away

I am going to tell the oratory kids tomorrow about Saint Josephine Bakhita. I don't know if many Catholics are familiar with her. I know little about her, so I am quite surprised that I chose St. Bakhita for the kids. Maybe the Good Lord will touch the hearts of the oratory kids through her story.

As I was reading the saint's story, I cannot help but notice her childlike spirituality. She was able to forgive (and even thank!) her abductors and torturers. She forgave wholeheartedly those persons who scarred her - this is just so awesome. Here I am, having a hard time to even be kind to my "torturers".

The song, "I'll Fly Away" popped into my head while reading the saint's story and I somehow understood what the song means. Once during a class, I learned that African spirituals speak about slavery. It is just hidden in spiritual thoughts. I wonder if slavery, like what the Saint experienced, still exist. I hope and pray it does not.

There are my little thoughts this afternoon. My mind is a bit disorganized because of school stuffs. God bless you!

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